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DIY Chevron Painted Burlap Table Runner

Chevron is one of the easiest patterns to make on your own. It can be as simple as a V with only one chevron or repeating chevrons to make the classic pattern we see everywhere. Either way, straight lines and a little measuring can add character to just about anything. We decided to try our hand at this pattern and create a chevron burlap table runner, which not only turned out really cute, but was actually easy to do––no sewing involved!
Here's what you need:
Painters Tape in the width you'd like your pattern
A stiff paint brush or sponge
Paint (Fabric or Acrylic will work)
Iron, chalk for marking, measuring tape

First cut your burlap to the desired size. You don't have to sew burlap if you make sure to cut in a straight line and remove a few threads of the burlap to have a frayed edge. We followed this tutorial here which helps you know exactly where to cut to get your straight line.

When your piece is cut, iron it, and fold it in half to mark the center. Unfold it and place it on something that you don't mind getting paint on––we used a cut up paper bag.
Next, measure for your chevron. You will need to mark in 3 different spots: down the center and on both outer edges.  Take your measuring tape and mark every 3 inches (or however far apart you would like each chevron). You are then going to take your tape and connect the top middle mark to the second mark on each side, creating the actual chevron. Continue doing this until you have your pattern completed.
Next paint inside your painters tape. You want to use a stiff brush or sponge so that you can dab the brush and get the paint in all of the little holes. Take a smaller brush and paint your line along the outer edge but not into the frayed part. Let that dry.
Remove your tape and you're done! Easy!

Have you tried to make a chevron pattern with anything? Think you could do this?!

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  1. I am LOVING your blog! So cute, and I always love discovering fellow crafty friends :) Love the runner-very cute. Wanted to also say thanks for linking up with The Collective, returned the favor!

    1. Thanks for stopping by BreAnna! This is a really easy little craft, and it could be mixed up with new colors in no time! Thanks for the link-up party at The Collective!


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