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How to Survive Back-to-School Week! (Five Tips!)

This week many of us are swapping out summer loungewear for school clothes as the back-to-school frenzy begins! So today, we're bringing our top five ways to survive (and maybe even enjoy!) the B2S rush.

1. Tackle the morning in 20 minutes–and do it the night before! That's right, set a timer for 20 minutes in the evening, and get to it, team! Pick out clothes, make lunches, preset the coffee maker, line up the bags. Do as much as you can before the timer dings. There's something about a clock tickin' that gets us motivated and keeps us from dawdling! And 20 minutes? That prevents overkill and feels doable. Try it–your mornings will thank you.

2. Designate the drop-off zone at home. Bags are usually hanging off of every bone when we walk through the door. Decide where they go, along with papers and any other items, so an untidy pile doesn't breed more mess.

3. Unwind with activity. It is tempting...oh so get home from school and collapse into a coma sit on the couch. A better option is to do something simple, yet active. Take a short walk, play with the dog, go for a swim. Get everyone moving together, but keep it light!

4. Have a fabulous after-school snack ready to assemble, like these peanut-butter banana bread sammies here. Toasted banana bread filled with creamy peanut butter, perfect with a glass of milk!
5. Order pizza on Friday night. Because you deserve it, and you did it!

We want to hear from you! What are you doing to make this week stress-free and even fun? Any tips to add?
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  1. JP Moreland talks about using exercise to unwind instead of flopping on the sofa. I like all these ideas, but that one sounds so rewarding. A walk around the block with the kids gives them a chance to talk over their day. I like that! I remember running from the bus to be the first to talk to mom after school! : )

    1. Yes, I'm going to try to unwind with activity this year!

  2. Love #2...This morning I found myself searching for lunchboxes to fill and ended up finding them in the car along with 2 pairs of shoes from each kid (both my kids like to kick off their shoes as soon as they get in the car). I moved some stuff around and created a low table designated just for backpacks and school work and such that will go out with them the next day. Can't wait to try this out!

    1. That's great, Steph! You'll have to tell us how it goes!


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